Saturday, January 25, 2020
Does Fast Food Cause Obesity?
Does Fast Food Cause Obesity? Fast Food Cause Obesity The United States is a free country where we are allowed to choose and pick whatever restaurants we eat at, order at those restaurants, type of food we purchase at the grocery store, etc.Twenty percent of children in US are considered overweight or obese at age 11. It has various severe enduring effects for your health, and it is a important cause of preventable deaths in the USA. Obesity can lead to high blood pressure diabetes, and heart disease if left untreated. Even though we are living in a nation with technological advancement and great economic power we have negligible quantity of realistic nutritional facts. Currently we are existing in a territory which is plagued with obesity. Evidently, there are more than a few diverse reasons for our countrys lofty percentage of obese inhabitants. Several just dont make out how to eat healthy, which can be tougher than supposed, or might not have the time to sit down to a healthy food. Or just discover it simpler to collect something co ming home from work or school than cook. Most people today do not take out time to exercise nor do they eat healthy foods. In these days society people consume fast food further than 3 times a day. Fast food has been illustrated as food which is made in rush for people who do not have time for proper meal times. These foods are extremely trendy with the working people and students in view of the fact that they do not have sufficient time to sit and get pleasure from a complete meal course. Fast food comprises of the burgers and fries. These kinds of foods are typically made in hurry to meet the growing demand particularly throughout the rush hours. The recognition of this kind of food is hang on the reality that they are for all time ready and can be taken in a short notice as in opposition to the complete meal course where one has to set an order in advance. The total of fast food restaurants since 1990, in industry have raised in doubled, which connects to about 200,000 organizations in the USA. Surprisingly, 30 % of the population of U.S. is influenced by obesity and 15 % of kids and adolescents are as well affected. Thus there is a connection among fast food and obesity?[ Brownell, Kelly] Fast food is at the present served up at every restaurants and drive-through. The entire experience of buying fast food has turn out to be so routine, so methodically unexceptional and ordinary, that it is at the present taken for granted, like cleaning your teeth. It has turn out to be a social custom as American as a little, rectangular, hand-held, freezing, and heated apple pie. On any specified day in the United States with reference to one-quarter of the adult population stopovers a fast food restaurant. When we listen in the name of McDonald, KFC’s, Pizza Hut the water appears in our mouth as it meet all our taste prerequisites at a low down price. The fast food which is prepared from these companies is serve up commercially, which takes simply a only some seconds to accumulate, is appetizing and affordable. Other than while eating this delicious food, have we think regarding the nutritional compromises, this food include a huge amount of fats and oils, carbohydrates which can source a larger risk of hypertension, diabetes, create person fluffy and also source of cancer heart attack. Eating fast food in huge amount constructs poison in the body. So, in additional words we can state that we are procuring poison in the structure of fast food.[ Schlosser, Eric,] The majority of our towns and cities have chains of fast food located on each corner and at the similar time our newpapers, television, and radio stations are packed with commercials alluring us to trial the diverse products in proffer in these establishments. It is valued to be noted that the majority of these ads are typically directed in the direction of kids and adolescents validating the grounds why obesity amongst these groups has been on the ascend. Research which have been executed in diverse cities in America have establish out that the majority of the joints of fast food are expediently located close to colleges, schools, and offices. In a research which was carried out by National Bureau of Economic Research it was establish that school kids whose classes were merely a few blocks away from an outlet of fast food were additional expected to endure from obesity as evaluated to those whose school was only mile away from the fast food outlet. The study establish out that the overweight and obesity rate amongst these kids was 5% superior amongst those whose schools were close to fast food outlets in contrast to those students whose schools were in areas which were far away from the fast food outlets which sold this kind of food (Rabin, R 2009) Studies has establish that those families which prefer the fast food as their foremost meal for additional than 3 times in one week are at an extremely lofty hazard of developing obesity. In terms of medical, obesity has been explained as a concern of public health which is putting a lot of people at hazard of developing impediments which might direct to early on death. Obesitymeans an excess amount of body fat. If a persons body mass is no less than 20% higher than what it be supposed to be, he or she is usually deemed as obese. If persons Body Mass Index (BMI) is between 25 and 29.9 he or she is considered as an overweight. If a persons BMI is 30 or over he or she is considered as obese. Obesity has been influencing a lot of the people of American on an unconstructive scale. If prospective on how to fight this battle is changed, we will carry on to lose. Pediatricians, Parents, and even political leaders and Government are focused on promoting healthy weight in kids because obesity is becoming a huge epidemic in the United States. The fast foods are loaded in energy giving foods constructing them superior cause for weight gain amongst individuals who eat this kind of food. They are additional overloaded fats and sugars to construct them tempting to the customers, these 2 nutrients have superior calories rate as compared to additional kind of food. The reality that they are inveigled and sweetened with sugar and fats constructs the consumer to consume in huge quantities to satisfy their urge. They are as well identified to eat regularly in bits such that they do not acquire any further meal aside from these foods. This disallow them a prospect to provide their bodies with additional essential nutrients consequently being prone to obesity. Most of us do not know how much fat and grease goes into these fries and burgers and everything else, but this does not seem to usually matter to us Americans until we have reached a stage of embarrassment of, obese weight from eating our favorite fast food way too many times a week. The United States is a free country. Where we are allowed to choose and pick whatever restaurants we eat at, order at those restaurants, how a great deal food we purchase at the grocery shops, the type of food we acquire at the grocery store, etc.Twenty percent of children in US are considered overweight or obese at age 11. It has various serious long-term consequences for your health, and it is a important cause of preventable deaths in the USA. Perhaps from physical problems with an emotional attachment to foods, it could lead to compulsive overeating, Psychological problems like other factors in obesity that are recounted to obesity are not the sources, however are the consequences. The ‘enormou s psychological burden’ imposed by obesity on an individual ‘might be the severest outcome on obesity. Weight gain starts when you eat more calories than your body utilizes up. If the food you eat provides more calories than your body needs, the excess food is converted to fat. Fat cells initially, increase in size. They increase in number, when they can no longer expand. If one loses weight, the bulk of the fat cells lessens, excluding the numeral of cells do not. We start to finally realize when all fat and grease has made it straight to our body, and every other organ for that matter. Obesity in general runs in families which are sourced by shared lifestyle habits and diet.. Obesity can lead to high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart disease if left untreated. Even though we are living in a nation with technological advancement and great economic power we have smallest amount of nutritional practical facts. We are existing on a ground which is plagued with obesity. US health Policymakers are saying that aggressive action need to be taken to stem the growth of theobesityepidemic in the United States, which is effecting the nation’s health-care system, approaching many of Americans into an untimely death each year and endangering the lives of millions ofchildren, many of whom are or obese overweight before they enter kindergarten. Several local and state governments have recommended put into practice an excise tax on sugar-appeased drinks.[ Caraher M, Cowburn] Obesity can lead to a number of different health issues; one of the most popular is high blood pressure. One half of Americans aged 50-65 have high blood pressure, which is a rising risk factor for stroke and heart disease and two in five are obese according to Health, United States 2005 [Van Itallie ] High blood pressure is an rise in the blood amount your heart is pushing through the body with every heartbeat.Main apprehension for the overweight citizens of our state is the health problems that come from obesity, the heart problems type two diabetes, and the many lives are lost today because of obesity. There has been a dispute that fast foods do not source obesity to a certain extent than eating of extra calories than the body can devour is what directs to gain of weight. Individuals who hold this view dispute that environmental features for instance fast food consumption on a usual basis might direct to weight gain and eventually the peril of obesity however on the identical note such eating might not direct to weight gain. It has been mentioned that one can in point of fact lose weight when they are yet on such sort of diet. This can be made in the course of balancing the right amount of consumed calories in the day course and what the body eventually uses. If the body utilizes further than is typically consumed the individual will lose some weight. One of the attributes which one must deem in an endeavor to establish whether fast food in reality source obesity is to glance at the choices of lifestyle which may direct to this predicament. For instance people who have made it a practice to eat fast food for the superior fraction of their week devoid of engaging in additional physical activities will further expected append weight and possibly wind up being obese. Conversely it is worthy to note that eating of further type of food particularly those which are lower in fats will not for all time direct to problems of body weight. It is clearly apparent that people who eat fast food are at a larger risk of being obese than those who consume further type of food. (Seeman Neil and Patrick Luciani.2008) Fast food if taken devoid of self-control direct to disturbing effects, they construct children append weight; add to the risk of problems of cardiovascular in addition to diabetes. Obesity is one of the foremost predicaments connected with this sort of consumption. Consumption of Fast food has been illustrated by nutritional specialist as meager feeding in view of the fact that one does not acquire all the requisite nutrients and additional predominantly in the correct quantity. Fast foods are identified to be loaded in energy the majority of which is piled up in the body as fats make them hazardous for the consumers. Department of US of Health and Human Services (HHS) since 1980 has publishedHealthy Peoplereports every decade that: identify national health targets for ten years, encourage collaborations across various sectors, guide individuals toward making informed health decisions and measure the impact of prevention activity. The new aim could be achieved by diminishing calorie intake, increasing physical activity or both. These goals among other things include specific recommendations that address, sugar-sweetened beverage consumption, nutritional labeling, the availability of lower-calorie children’s meals in restaurants, marketing of food and beverages to children, and) to monitor and track a child’s body-mass index and provide interventions using the electronic medical record (EMR]. By Telling someone to stop simply eating will not cure the obesity disease because it needs to be something that is in the genes of the person. By telling someone simply to exercise more will not cure the obesity disease because food can be used as an outlet for stress. There is no clean-cut cause of obese, so there will never be a clear cut solution either. Governments can as well aid reduce obesity, a lot of experts say, by providing farmers’ markets and supermarkets with incentives to offer healthier foods and institute their trades in small-income areas.[ Smed S, Jensen JD, Denver]. Many, local governments schools and hospitals around the country have implemented policies to reduce obesity by banning the sale and serving of sugary drinks, which are high in calories and have little or no nutritional value Conclusion A good solution to any health concerns would be to grow your own food in a garden in your yard. When you grow your own food, you know what’s going into the food, where it is coming from, and how fresh it is. Foods grown by you are usually the healthiest, too, because it is almost always a natural process.[ Dong D, Lin B.], Research which have been executed in the current past have established that fast food is the foremost source of obesity amongst the school going kids particularly in areas which fast food outlets are located close to schools or areas visited by this section of the population. In a few areas authorities have gone further on to limit opening up of outlets close to school to avert the children from over consuming these foods. This is one of the measures which must be reinforced to make certain that the kids to not over pamper in fast food divulging them to obesity. The masses must also be taught on the hazards of fast food, people must be persuaded to moderate their use to keep away from weight problems and additional complications connected with it. There are a variety of ways for promoting healthy weight in kids. We can resolve overeating of food issues at home and school. We can force our children to increase exercise and activity. For the majority children who are heavy or overweight, the safest and the majority efficient means to lose weight is to eat less andexerciseextra.. Make a chart this month to restrict fast food. You definitely do not have to slash it out altogether, nevertheless center on small improvements to the degree that you can. Just by setting your lunch a few days a week, you can use considerably less fat and calories. As it turns out to be easier for you, make extra changes. Steady changes can guide to an extensive healthy life. Health is more significant then taste as a result by increasing eating homemade food give assurance to our health by giving up consumption of fast food calories or fats and refined sugar and by eating fresh vegetables, fruits, milk and additional nutrient horded food in our daily diet. As a result, we have got to give up fast food and consume food which provides vitamins, fiber, minerals and additional protecting food to safeguard us in opposition to heart attack, diabetes cancers, and additional degenerative disorders..As it can be perceived that the food which is additionally fresh have more nutritional implication as the homemade food is always fresh includes no preservative or chemical and constructs us wealthy, healthy, and wise. At last the effect appears to be that fast food is in large or small quantity provides diseases simply in contrast that homemade food enhances our health. As a result, endeavor should be to expand eating homemade food as a substitute of junk fast food. References Currie,J Vigna,S Moretti,E and Pathania,V (2009) Effects of Fast Food Restaurant on Obesity accessed from on 26th August 2011 Seeman Neil and Patrick Luciani.(2008)XXL:obesity and the limits of shame, University of Toronto Press Rabin,R (2009) Proximity to Fast Food a Factor in Student Obesity, New York Times accessed from on 24th August 2011 Facilities Management: Definition and Scope Facilities Management: Definition and Scope There are many definitions and imprecations of the term facilities management. The British Institute for facilities Management (1996) defines it as: The practice of coordinating the physical workplace with the people and work of an organization, (It) integrates the principle of business administration, architecture and the behavioral and engineering sciences. As the overview of this definition (Figure 1.1) shows, facilities management represents broad ranging issues. Managing Facilities The overview of facilities Management Facilities Management Behavioral and engineering science The physical workspace People The work of the organization Architecture Business administration What value does facilities management has the hotels? If facilities management is about managing physical assets, it has considerable relevance to other hospitality businesses, as the property or the premises in which the hospitality is delivered, form a major part of the product package sold to customers. Customer needs could be for overnight accommodation, a meeting area or a restaurant meal. In each case, the physical assets will form an important part of the product. Some of the common elements required to produce the accommodation product are shown in figure 1.2. Guests might also require: A source of information (e.g. regarding to other amenities) Privacy Secretarial assistance Porter age Car- Parking Space Ramp Access Lifts Personal laundry service Sleeping facilities As can be seen, the physical assets are prominent. The list could go on. Whereas many of the identified needs of customers are tangible (e.g. the lift, the guestroom and the hot water) and relate to physical assets, other needs (e.g. security and feeling of well-being) are largely intangible. Since the accommodation forms a major part of product, even in small hotels, the capital outlay or revenue expenditure on the property is proportionately high compared with other businesses. In order for business to be conducted in a hotel, it is essential for at least certain of the physical assets to be actively managed. Although the term facilities management might not be used, elements of facilities management would need to be applied to hotels to achieve business success. The Accommodation product Appropriate heating lighting and ventilation Appropriate personal security Feeling of well-being Satisfactory standard of hygiene, safety, cleanliness, appearance and maintenance Provision for personal hygiene Food and beverage provision Design and dà ©cor Appropriate furniture, fittings, furnishings and equipment The development of facilities management A property based discipline Facilities management as a practice has its roots in the USA, where development took place during the 1980s. It is evolving from a property management, services and maintenance (including cleaning, caretaking, and waste disposal and catering) into a much more proactive, strategic role. In this role, it is also concerned with the design of property and the work environment, purchasing and future management and maintenance of the property thus, it covers a broad area of non-core activities (see Figure 1.3). Such activities could include IT Services and even human resources management. It is strategic role of facilities management which will be developed in this book. The evolution of facilities management Repairs and maintenance Cleaning and waste disposal Property purchase and design for target market Property valuation to determine use Refits to meet change or need Changes of service to meet change in demand patterns Policies on space utilization and staffing implications Policies on planned management of all physical assets From a management perspective, facilities management must consider the needs of all building users, together with the needs of others who may affect by the management of the building. The needs of the following people, therefore, have to be considered. Shareholders have an interest in business and property value and the asset value and service standards must be maintained or developed. Employees need an efficient working environment. This is conductive to high morale and to high morale and to high quality and productivity. Customers in a hotel will not only be visiting the establishment, the will, hopefully, enjoy using its facilities. Considerable expertise must go into creating an atmosphere and environment which reinforces the good image of the organization. The local community will be affected by the property. Aspects such as visual appearance, pollution, traffic (as a result of business), employment and the encouragement of local custom must be all managed. Reliable suppliers who provide consistent quality are very important to the success of any organization. They might be providing a service, staff, equipment or supplies. Partnership, strategic alliances and other agreements are some means by which this group can be managed. Recent history gives some indication as to how and why the concept of facilities management, in general, not just in the hospitality industry, has developed in the last decade and the hospitality industry, has developed in the last decade and suggest that although many of the strands are not new, the overall approach does not have a different emphasis. The various factors which may have attributed to the rise in facilities management will now be considered. The scope of facilities management Car fleet management Cleaning Construction Contract management Energy management Furniture selection Human resources Health and safety Interior design Lighting IT management Linen and laundry Maintenance Mechanical engineering Organizational behavior Project management Reprographics and design Security Space planning management Procurement and supplies management Travel management Accounts Acoustics Architecture Computer and design Factors attributing to the development of facilities management Cost reductions Fierce competition, depressed trading conditions, higher energy costs and other economic elements have forced companies to look at all means of reducing costs and maintaining the market edge. Facilities costs can be very significant. Stipanuk and Roffman (1992) estimated that a full service hotel of under 125 rooms has an average expense of 11.9 per cent of turnover for property management and energy. With costs, savstings can best be made at the design stage of buildings. The development of ideas on terotechnology (considering life-cycle costs at the planning stage) is yet another probable stimulus for the development of facilities management concepts. In response to the rising awareness of property costs, attempts have been made to forecast total ownership costs of buildings (life-cycle costs) at the planning stage. These costs would include: Initial (fixed costs) + Operating costs + Residual costs (e.g. demolition or sale). The need for flexibility Continuous change of policy, market and methods within organizations is now common. Whereas once, such decisions and changes whereas once, such decisions and changes were momentous and seen to be long-lasting, now they are considered to be more routine. At one time, there was only an occasional need for someone to oversee change whereas now that person is needed full-time. Changes related to physical assets include extending or reducing overall working space, modifying workstations to facilitate changing work methods or achieving building modifications in line with rate of churn (i.e. movement of personnel within the jobs in the building). Obsolescence related to workspace rarely, means physical delay, it often means the right fabric in the place. Such as process of change has been evidenced in hotels with relation to computerization and in restaurants as eating habits change and customer expectations of environment alter. In addition, response time needs to be fast. Downtime is wast e. Hotel rooms are a perishable commodity as those not sold twice tomorrow night. Acknowledgement of the facilities as a major resource of the business itself, often means that premises are used round the clock. Trends in the development of facilities management Many changes in recent years have been technological (e.g. building design and telecommunications). At the same time, human needs and expectations have changed and there is need to bridge the gap between the technical and human (see figure 1.6). In looking at the growth of facilities management in the UK, a number of trends become evident. Management and customer perceptions Need to change physical assets from overheads to resources Prestige Employee needs and expectations Working conditions Morale Sick building syndrome Negligence claims Need for flexibility Continuous market changes Need for responses Heavier use of facilities Cost reductions Competition Depressed trading conditions Higher energy conditions Higher energy costs Higher cost of space Need for operational efficiency Downsizing Need to focus on core competitiveness Government policies Compulsory competitive tendering Health and safety
Friday, January 17, 2020
A cost-effective company
Companies must remain effective and efficient in order to compete in today’s business word. Organizations, even non-profit organizations, must remain cost effective and efficient to remain viable. In order to be cost-effective, a company sets a budget and goals and uses the company’s assets to meet those goals. As long as they remain within the budget, they can focus their attention on meeting the goals of the company.A cost-effective company meets its goals with the funding provided; a company that is not cost-effective either fails to complete the goal altogether or requires additional funds in order to do so. This company must also be cost efficient, meaning that they cannot spend four dollars when two dollars is sufficient. In addition, they must put the company’s finances ahead of all else, including job stability. A cost effective and efficient company stays within a budget while still meeting its goals.It is more important for any organization to be cost e ffective than cost efficient. In the overall picture, an organization must seek to meet its goals above all else. They must focus on using their resources to meet the goals, rather than setting the goal at saving money. Shareholders expect a return on their investment, which absolutely cannot happen if the company does not focus its attention on getting the best value for its dollars.For example, Volvo strives to make the safest cars in the world; for the most part, it has succeeded in this goal. The company uses its resources to maintain an image of safety while remaining profitable. For this reason, consumers view Volvo as the â€Å"safe†car brand; this is why the company is cost-effective rather than cost-efficient. In order to be cost-efficient, Volvo would have to put the product second and the cost of producing the product first. Safety would give way to economy, and this would completely undermine the branding strategy.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Pro-Abstinence Sex Education Efficient or Dangerous
Pro-Abstinence Sex Education: Efficient or Dangerous? For years supporters of two different approaches to sex education, that is pro-abstinence sex education and comprehensive sex education, have been involved in a blazing discussion. Those who advocate the first approach believe that abstaining from sex is the best way to avoid out of wedlock pregnancy, STDs and HIV. They also consider that providing children with abundant information about sex and related issues results in early sexual experimentation. However, this type of sex education does not seem to yield substantial results. There are a number of academic reviews indicating that abstinence have little influence upon young people’s sexual behaviour. The best outcome they have been able to reach so far is encouraging teenagers to delay their first sexual intercourse in the short-term. According to studies, those young people who choose to delay their first sexual intercourse generally hold strong religious beliefs. It means that it is only efficient for a restricted group of young people and cannot be regarded as a universal solution. Moreover, research shows that those teenagers who get abstinence-based education might be less knowledgeable about STDs and HIV and their prevention than other young people. Consequently, they run a risk of ruining their health. More worryingly, abstinence-based sex education programmes are reported to misinform teenagers about the lack of effectiveness of contraception and condoms as well as to exaggerate psychological risks connected with sex and conceal information about positive aspect of sexual relationships. As a result, young people get distorted and biased ideas about sexual life. Taking into account all these things we may say that pro-abstinence sex education appears to be inefficient. When it comes to health issues, ignorance is not blessed. Therefore, it is crucial for teenagers to be accurately informed about sex and to be able to make their own wise decisions.
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Famous Blessings, Sayings, and Songs About Hanukkah
The name of this Jewish holiday can be spelled many different ways, but the two most widely accepted are Hanukkah and Chanukah. The holiday is also known as the Festival of Lights. In honor of the celebration of Hanukkah, here are some blessings, proverbs, thoughts, and even a song from famous people such as American film producer Ralph Levy, American author Dave Barry, poet Hannah Senesh, and many others. Dave Barry In the old days, it was not called the Holiday Season; the Christians called it Christmas and went to church; the Jews called it Hanukkah and went to synagogue; the atheists went to parties and drank. People passing each other on the street would say Merry Christmas! or Happy Hanukkah! or (to the atheists) Look out for the wall! Chinese Proverb It is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness. Allen Ginsberg From: Psalm III Let the crookedness and straightness bespeak the light. Ralph Levy Now, near the Winter Solstice, it is good to light candles. All the nice meanings of bringing light to the world can be beautiful. But perhaps we are concentrating on lighting the world because we dont know how to light up our own lives. Hanukkah Blessing May This Festival of Lights bring Blessings upon you and All Your Loved Ones for Happiness, for Health, and for Spiritual and Material Wealth, and May the Lights of Chanukah Usher in the Light of Moshiach and a Better World for All of Humankind. Rabbi David Hartman The major question, which we must ponder on Hanukkah, is whether the Jewish people can develop an identity that will enable it to meet the outside world without feeling threatened or intimidated. The choice, hopefully, need not be ghettoization or assimilation. We can absorb from others without being smothered. We can appreciate and assimilate that which derives from foreign sources and at the same time feel firmly anchored to our particular frame of reference. Emma Lazarus, The Feast of Lights Kindle the taper like the steadfast star Ablaze on evenings forehead oer the earth, And add each night a lustre till afar. Ralph Levy Hanukkah  Another View We have focused on the miracle-thing and I think we often overlook the message of Hanukkah. To me, the core of the holiday is the cleaning of the temple... The accomplishment was in restoring the temple to the purpose for which it was built. Now think of the temple as a symbol. Perhaps it represents my life. The world has tried to use me for its own (perhaps good, but none-the-less extrinsic) purposes. But now I can rededicate myself to my own original purpose. II Maccabees 10. 6-7 They celebrated it for eight days with gladness like Sukkot and recalled how a little while before, during Sukkot, they had been wandering in the mountains and caverns like wild animals. So carrying lulavs ... they offered hymns of praise to God who had brought to pass the purification of His own place. Charles Reznikoff From the poem: Meditations on the Fall and Winter Holidays The miracle, of course, was not that the oil for the sacred light  in a little cruse  lasted as long as they say; but that the courage of the Maccabees lasted to this day: let that nourish my flickering spirit. Adam Sandler From the song: The Hanukkah Song Put on your yarmulke, Here comes Hanukkah! So much funukah, To celebrate Hanukkah! Hanukkah is the festival of lights. Instead of one day of presents, we have eight crazy nights. Hannah Senesh Blessed is the match consumed in kindling flame. Blessed is the flame that burns in the secret fastness of the heart.
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